There are three kinds of foods:
1st Kind – Food acting as anti-septic, detoxifying and purificatory, primarily consisting of fresh fruits and non-starchy vegetables (starch-free) , raw or cooked.
2nd Kind – Food that constitute or restore tissues, like meat, fish and vegetables.
3rd Kind – Food providing heat and energy to the human body, namely sugars and fats.
Essential foods, properly selected, prepared and cooked, and physical exercise are health-giving and keep you fit.
The Food Reeducation and Behavioural Program and Body Modelling by Clínica do Tempo®, permits an individualisation of the alimentary plan and to reduce weight and fat excess, in a healthy and permanent way. And so t is possible to timely prevent different pathologies, of genetic origin or related to the lifestyle and life experiences, thus prolonging longevity.
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