
Tricks for snacking less

Tricks for snacking less

By: | Tags: | Comments: 0 | Janeiro 4th, 2017

Get rid of all biscuits, cookies and breakfast cereals from the kitchen's shelves. Having pots with this kind of food always on site and at your hand's reach, makes easier to fall into temptation and snack when you pass by the kitchen. Keep all those snacks that make you fat hidden in cupboards less reachable.

Better still, don't buy them!. Instead by fruit and vegetables and keep these healthy nourishments in places that are easy to reach.
Place a fruit bowl in a visible place at your hand. It may not result for the first weeks, but soon you'll see that you start looking at the fruit and consider that eating an apple is not a bad idea at all. In some time, eating fruit will became a natural habit for you.