
The danger of abdominal fat!

The danger of abdominal fat!

By: | Tags: | Comments: 0 | Fevereiro 10th, 2017

Not all body fat has the same importance, abdominal fat surrounding the abdomen zone is the main cause of many health problems. This fat accumulates around the organs, and is strongly linked to metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. For this reason, the size of your waistline may be a much stronger index on your health condition than the weight indicated by your bathroom scale.

The larger your waistline is, the larger may be the risk for your health!
Clínica do Tempo® has for you the ideal treatment for fat excess: Liposhaper@ – the first non-invasive "liposuction", while not being a liposuction it works just like one as it reduces the number of fat cells in your body, but without all the inconvenients of the traditional cirurgical process! With just one session it is possible to lose up to 20 cm of fat in sprecific areas such as the abdomen, flanks, thighs, riding breeches, buttocks, knees and back!
Call now for an appointment: (+351) 21 458 85 00