
BIOTIME® - Perfect abs

BIOTIME® – Perfect abs

By: | Tags: | Comments: 0 | Julho 3rd, 2017

Men and women always dream about having a sculpturesque abdomen, for men, in special, well-shaped abs is a dream that normally demands lots of effort and sweat.

The ideal solution exists at Clínica do Tempo®, without strain, without fatigue, without perspiration, you just have to lay down comfortably and leave to Biotime® all the work there is to do.
Biotime® for 30 minutes on the abdomen, our exclusive technology of muscle electrostimulation, equals 750 push-ups correctly performed.
But Biotime® is not just for your belly, it is also for thighs, buttocks, biceps and pectoral muscles.
It's the easiest way to shape your body.