
Autumn is also time for garlic...

Autumn is also time for garlic…

By: | Tags: | Comments: 0 | Outubro 6th, 2016

Garlic is one of the foods that we got used to dispose the whole year, not minding that it also has a specific season, the time when it gets sweeter and more tasteful: the end of the Summer, and the Autumn.

Talking about health it is well known that garlic is a champ, being used for thousands of years as a natural remedy, with an antibiotic action, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and as a stimulant of the immune system.
Allicin present in garlic (responsible for its strong aroma) and ajoene, a compound derivative from allicin with an anticoagulant effect, help to make the blood fluid and to relax the blood vessels, so promoting protection to the cardiovascular system.