Gut flora is like a vegetable garden: you must take care of ti regularly to improve our good health. The rake and the watering can here give up their place to the fork!
Our body, in special our intestinal flora, contains about 1 kilo of bacteria that play an important role in food digestion, the assimilation of nutrients, cleaning and body balance. There are around 100 trillions of bateria of 500 different species, some beneficial and other harmful. Our body has more bacteria than cells!
When the process of cleaning is impaired, the toxic elements are not properly filtered, affecting our cells functioning and health, and even cause diseases more or less severe.
The Program Detox+ allows the detoxication of the organism and will improve the intestine functioning, rendering into a benefit of your general health condition, easiest loss of weight and fat elimination, with visible results on your outside appearance, your skin in particular.
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