Biotime® is an innovative and exclusive treatment by Clínica do Tempo® of generating infrared bands, stimulation current and 1 Mz ultrasound therapy for full body beauty. Ultrasounds have 3 different power levels and 4 kinds of impulses, infrared thermic therapy has 2 to 3,5 cm reach capacity, and electric stimulation 18 sorts of currents. Ultrasound prepares the body for treatment and applying both thermic and muscle stimulation therapy enables to perform them in a single one: thermic stimulation that increases the efficiency of both techniques.
Biotime® has different procedures possibilities to adapt to each treatment – cellulite (mild, hard and edematous), overweight (obesity, slimming), toning (skin firmness and postpartum), blood circulation (heavy legs and fluid retention), besides body modelling and relaxation.
Each procedure is adapted for the best and more efficient results for the patient.
The Biotime® treatment is part of the Food Reeducation and Behavioural Program and Body Modelling by Clínica do Tempo®, that enables an individualisation of the alimentary regime and weight and fat excess reduction, in a healthy and permanent way.
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