Eggs are a beneficial food on preventing heart diseases, as a new study recently published by Heart has revealed, led by a group of scientists of the universities of Beijing and Oxford who observed more than 500 thousand people.
Daily consumers of an egg have dropped in 18% the risk of having a cardiovascular disease, in 26% the possibility of suffering from an AVC, and also a reduction of 25% for the risk of ischemic heart disease. This heart infirmity is due to our coronaries being somehow clogged debiting a limited flow of blood to the heart, that cannot work because the oxygen it gets is insufficient, pain comes, tiredness becomes easier and the heart may well stop to beat.
Heart diseases and AVC are the main cause of death in Portugal, the greatest part due to excess fat and lack of physical exercise, so we can say that excess fat kills!
The Food Reeducation and Behavioural program and Body Modelling by Clínica do Tempo®, enables an individualisation of the alimentary regime, with or without eggs, and weight and fat excess reduction, at any age, to keep you and your heart young and healthy.
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