
Check-up Ortomolecular at Clínica do Tempo

Check-up Ortomolecular at Clínica do Tempo

By: | Tags: | Comments: 0 | Março 1st, 2013

Genetic factors are increasingly known by scientists as crucial to achieving, or not, health and longevity.

The Nutrigenetics, Hormonal and Orthomolecular Research Center of the Clínica do Tempo seeks to determine the changes that can lead to serious illnesses and organic imbalances. Its detection in time allows effective planning to overcome these limitations.

The Orthomolecular Check-up at Clinica do Tempo, is a diagnosis held in several and innovative diagnostic tests, in order to balance the body's molecules and to do cellular rehabilitation.

It is then prescribed a personalized nutrition program that helps each person to live longer with better quality of life.