Three main meals per day — starting with a big breakfast — could promote weight and fat loss and better glucose control.
Surely you have already heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day (eat breakfast like a king – lunch like a prince – dinner like a pauper) and a new study helps to support this. It found that eating a big breakfast and reducing lunch and dinner size may be key for people looking to lose weight and fat and improve their blood glucose levels.
Led by researchers from Tel Aviv University in Israel, the study found that adults who were obese and had type 2 diabetes lost more weight and fat and had better blood glucose levels after 3 months when they had a high-energy breakfast every day.
Obesity is a leading risk factor for type 2 diabetes; excess weight and fat makes it more difficult for the body to use insulin — the hormone that regulates blood glucose levels — effectively.
In terms of treating obesity and type 2 diabetes, switching to a more healthful diet is often the first port of call. But it’s not always what and how much we eat that might cause problems; it’s also the time of day at which we eat.
Our body metabolism changes throughout the day. A slice of bread consumed at breakfast leads to a lower glucose response and is less fattening than an identical slice of bread consumed in the evening.
In conclusion: the timing of food intake influences weight and fat loss and blood glucose levels.
The Food Reeducation and Behavioural Program and Body Modelling by Clínica do Tempo®, enables an individualisation of the alimentary regime and weight and fat excess reduction, in a healthy and permanent way. So it is possible to timely prevent different pathologies, of genetic origin or related to lifestyle and life experiences, hence prolonging longevity.
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