It is known that obesity raises the risk of heart attack in both men and women, but recent research published in the Journal of the American Heart Association finds that for women, the size of their hips and waist may be the best indicators of risk.
A higher body mass index (BMI) is known to raise the risk of myocardial infarction, or heart attack, and by and large, this association seems to be the same for both men and women.
But as a measurement, BMI says nothing about body fat distribution and does not differentiate between fat types — such as visceral fat versus subcutaneous fat.
Visceral fat is so named because it builds around one’s internal organs, such as the pancreas, liver, and intestines.
Sex may influence the type of fat that a person is more predisposed to. Studies have revealed, for instance, that men are more likely to accumulate visceral fat, whereas women tend to have more subcutaneous fat.
The Food Reeducation and Behavioural Program and Body Modelling by Clínica do Tempo® includes the Liposhaper® – the 1st non-invasive “liposuction” for weight and fat excess reduction, both visceral and subcutaneous fat. And so it is possible, in a healthy and permanent way, to timely prevent different diseases, namely heart pathologies, and to extend longevity.
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