
3 Steps to bar child obesity

3 Steps to bar child obesity

By: | Tags: | Comments: 0 | Abril 6th, 2013

1 –  Reduce drug consumption
More fruits, fibres and vegetables. More drinking water. More lean dairy. Less sweats and sodas. Less fat. Less quantity of food.

2 – Improve energy waste
People get fat because they intake more calories than those they consume in a day, so, to counteract sedentary behaviours is one of the first things to do. Less hours spent on the computer, more time for playing football. At least, to choose computer games that demand physical exercise.
3 – Increment physical activity
There must be a daily incentive, like foot walking or biking, and there must be an investment on physical education, either at school or at the gym. Family activities, with outdoor tours and games in the nature, may supply the week-end exercise necessities. And the all family get to benefit from it.