Child obesity has been drastically increasing towards such scary numbers that WHO stated “it is reaching epidemic proportions with all the consequent risks for the children’s health”.
The New England Journal of Medicine recently wrote in one of its articles that the obese children of today will have their life span shortened by 5 to 10 years and that, if no measures are taken, for the first time in Modern History the children will live fewer years than their parents.
Clínica do Tempo® Junior programme uemploys the Food and Behaviour Re-education and Nutritional Psychology, and may readily combat this serious problem in a healthy and definitive way.
There are parallel treatments, fully efficient, safe and non-invasive, adapted to youngsters that allow, in a healthy way, removing the fat embedded in the abdomen, the most dangerous one for health.
There are parallel treatments, fully efficient, safe and non-invasive, adapted to youngsters, that allow, in a healthy way, removing the fat embedded in the abdomen, the most dangerous one for health.
Read more at LIPOSHAPER® – the 1 st non-invasive “liposuction”.